
GitHub Authentication

Noorullah Ahmadzai

Noorullah Ahmadzai

August, 28th 2021  - 10 min read  


Back in December 2020, GitHub announced, it will no longer accept passwords to perform git operations starting August 13th, 2021. What does it mean for you as a developer?

Developers won't be able to do Git operations with GitHub, pushing or pulling the code included using passwords. Previously we had to type our username and our password to let GitHub recognize us and let us do all kinds of git operations from the terminal. After August 2021, It is deprecated and we will see the following error/feedback message.

Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021. Please use a personal
access token instead. remote: Please see
for more information.

Why GitHub Deprecated Password for Git Operations?

Security, Security, and Security. When we used to do git operations, we had to provide our GitHub username and password. The same password could be used to login into the GitHub account, create, delete and update repositories. If our GitHub username and password were accessed by a Hackers. They could do operations that can not be reversed unless we reach out to GitHub like deleting a repository.

Imagine if you're password is leaked and you are the maintainer of a project that is used by thousands of people. It is like losing a community you worked so hard for, for many years is now lost in a few seconds. Or you are working on a secret project for a company that will be launched soon and someone deletes everything, including your account? The horror list just keeps going on and on.

These are some of the main issues why GitHub brought up the necessary changes to address these problems and reduce the damage even if the inevitable things happen. Remember:

Nothing is perfectly secure on the web but we can drastically reduce the chances of getting into serious problems.

There are two ways to Git Operation with GitHub using HTTPS and SSH?

  1. Personal Access Tokens (HTTPS): If you are using HTTPS (Clone with HTTPS selected) to manage git operations, you must generate a token in your GitHub account settings, and You can paste your Personal Access Token instead of your password. It will successfully perform the git operations and you won't see any error message unless your token is expired or invalid.

    How do I generate Personal Access Token?

    First, Sign in to your GitHub Account

    GitHub Login

    Then go to Settings.

    GitHub Settings

    Then go to Developer Settings.

    Developer Settings

    Then go to Personal Access Tokens and click Generate New Token.

    Generate Token

    Once you clicked it, You will see this page.

    Generate Token Page

    Here you can name your token and provide a time when the token should be expired. Temporary tokens are recommended for better security. Then check what operations should be allowed using this token and hit Generate token button.

    Access Token

    This is how you're token will look like. For security purposes, you can copy it only once from GitHub and it will be never shown to you again. Make sure you keep it secure and do not share it with anyone. Sharing a Personal Access Token is like sharing your password.

    If you don't know where you stored your token, you can immediately delete all of your tokens from GitHub and generate a new one instead.

    Personal Access Tokens are better than Passwords for git operations and it has many benefits such as:

    • Uniqueness: Every token can be generated for a unique device that let us track where the access to the system was granted.

    • Revocable: You can delete a token from your GitHub settings in case if it's leaked and do quick damage control. Tokens are revokable but passwords are not. They can only be changed.

    • Limited: Tokens can be scoped, Meaning that when you generate a token, GitHub will ask you what operation that token will be able to do. This way you can manage how much access should be given to a token.

    • Random: Unlike passwords that are a few words. Tokens are longer compared to passwords and they are randomly generated. Hackers can not guess what the token will look like. GitHub will use a secure algorithm to randomly generate all the tokens that provide many times better security compared to passwords.

    • Temporary: It is recommended by GitHub to generate tokens with a limited time like 7 days, 30 days, or 90 days, after that time. the token will be automatically marked as invalid. We can also generate a token to never expire and it is just as scary and the passwords themselves which is not recommended but we can do that if we want to.

  2. Secure Socket Shell (SSH): SSH is a cryptographic network protocol for operating network services securely in an insecure environment. In simple words, when two computers want to exchange information. Hackers can sit between those computers and steal important information. SSH provides a secure connection using cryptography to log into or contact a remote computer.

    To use SSH with GitHub, First, we need to generate a set of keys. On Mac or Linux we can run the following command in our terminal to generate the keys. If you are on Windows, You can use WSL

    ssh-keygen -t rsa

    ssh-keygen command is used to generate the keys and -t flag is used to specify which algorithm should be used to generate the keys. In this case, the name of the algorithm is rsa For more information about RSA Algorithm


    Generating public/private rsa key pair.
    Enter file in which to save the key (/home/username/.ssh/id_rsa):
    Enter file in which to save the key (/home/username/.ssh/

    The system will ask where to save both the private and public keys. The default location is located:

    Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
    Enter same passphrase again:

    In this stage you can choose a passphrase or password, highly recommended for extra security but you can leave it empty as well. Once you hit enter

    A random image will be printed to the console along with other details like this

    +---[RSA 3072]----+
    |             . -*|
    |             .B*X|
    |           . =G==|
    |            o.++ |
    |        S..  +   |
    |       + oo +    |
    |      o = .o F . |
    |     . o *..B =  |
    |     .o.o +o.*.  |

    At this stage, you have successfully managed to generate a public and private key.

    • Private Key: The private key always stays on your computer and should never be shared with anyone, this is how it looks like:
      -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
      -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
    • Public Key: The public key is added to your GitHub account and this is how it looks like:

    Next we have to go to .ssh folder and open file and copy the key. If you can't see the folder, It's because it's hidden by default. Here is the path to the folder where file is located.


    Or we can type this command to print the public key to the terminal.

    cat /home/your_user_name_goes_here/.ssh/

    You will see your public key on your terminal, copy all of it and go to your GitHub account settings. Select SSH and GPG keys

    SSH Settings

    Click New SSH-Key

    Add SSH Key

    Title field is used to name your key. Feel free to choose whatever name you like and then in the Key field, paste your public key and click Add SSH key button. If things went well, this is how it looks like!

    SSH Key Looks Like

    If you notice, the Key icon is gray, and it also says, Never used. Let's use SSH to see if our setup is working or not.

    Go to your favorite private repository you own and then click Code

    Clone with SSH

    Make sure you have selected SSH. Not HTTPs or GitHub CLI and then click the copy button.

    Go to your terminal and type git clone hit space and paste the command you just copied like this.

    git clone

    If the clone went well, This is how the SSH-Key should look like once you refresh the page.

    SSH Key Verified

    Yeaaaaah! The color of the key is green now and the text shows it was recently used. This means our SSH configuration was successful.

    Behind the scene when we do git operations. Git will establish communication over SSH with GitHub and check if these two computers can communicate. If Yes, The operations will be carried out without asking you for passwords or tokens. It's completely automatic.

    There is also GitHub CLI which was recently introduced by GitHub.

Note: Passwords do and will continue to be used for loging into your GitHub account on the web or mobile apps but it will no longer work for git operations such as Pushing or Pulling the code because we do git operations more frequently and submitting our password for each git operation is just too risky but we login into our account on the web once in a while and stay logged longer time before we type our password again.


Love it or hate it. GitHub and all other websites around the world encourage their users to help them secure their users' accounts. GitHub provides 2 great methods for all git operations and as developers, we need to have the necessary precaution in place to avoid unauthorized access to our accounts.

Using Personal Access Tokens or Secure Socket Shell (SSH) We can drastically improve the security of our GitHub Accounts.

I enjoy using SSH which automatically handles authentication and security behind the scene with no effort except the initial setup that takes less than a minute. Hope you enjoyed the article. Let me know what you think on social media.

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Noorullah Ahmadzai

About the Author

Noorullah Ahmadzai is a Software Engineer, Web Developer, Writer and Bachelor of Computer Science. He is passionate about building quality software.